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"Kotaro Fukuma Piano Recital-Beethoven 250th Anniversary All Beethoven Program-"

September 22, 2020 (Tue/holiday)
Open 15:30 Start 16:00
All seats reserved *Preschool children are not admitted
General: 3,500 yen Friendship Club: 3,150 yen

*If you would like a wheelchair seat, please call (042-590-4414).

*If you apply for 2 or more tickets, you will leave the seats instead of the continuous seats.
A warning will be displayed, but please proceed with the operation as it is and make sure to use the secured seat number
Please check before purchasing.

[Notes] Please be sure to read it.
*No refunds will be accepted except when the performance is cancelled. Please note.
*Please cooperate with the new coronavirus infection prevention measures.
*The number of people entering the venue may be limited.
*The event may be canceled due to circumstances. Please note.

Release information

Tomonokai 7/22 (Wednesday) General 7/23 (Thursday/holiday)
(Released at the counter) Tomo no Kai, general 7/24 (Friday, celebration)

*See the Official Site for details.

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You can see the original information(Japanese).

Event and ticketing information

  • Location 東大和市民会館ハミングホール 小ホール(東京都 東大和市)
  • Date 2020/09/22(Tue) 16:00
  • Contact 東大和市民会館 ハミングホール
    TEL: 042-590-4414 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer

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