第3回 能楽【談】ディズム特別公演 じっくり楽しむ新作能の世界 ~信玄公降臨!~
This year marks the third time for the "Nohgaku [Dan] Dism Special Performance," which has the theme of "coexistence of nature and humans," and will feature "One-choice performance by supporting actors" and "New Noh," which are rarely performed in general Nohgaku performances. The four members will be taking on the challenge of performing new pieces!
This new Noh play, "Koyo," has Takeda Shingen, a famous warlord of the Sengoku period, as its main character, and depicts Shingen's emphasis on civil administration as well as war. At the same time, through the theme of praising his efforts to prevent the flooding of rivers in the country, it depicts the power of the natural world and the human psychology of reverence for it. In addition, the Kyogen play "Kaminari," which depicts the coexistence of nature and humans, will present how medieval people's attitude toward nature is expressed in Noh and Kyogen, and convey new charms and ways to enjoy Noh and Kyogen. Other plays with a nature theme include "Tsuchigumo" by Itcho, which is about mountains, "Quiver" by Shimai, which is about flowers, and "Fujito" by the sea. We hope that this performance will make you realize how close the performing art of Noh is to people's lives.
〇 Commentary Today's highlights Jiro Sakuma Kyogi Okura Yoshihiro Noguchi Ryotaro Tsukuda
〇 Ichicho "Tsuchigumo" Noh: Yoshihiro Noguchi Taiko: Noriyoshi Okawa
〇 Shimai "Quiver" Jiro Sakuma "Fujito" Yoshiyuki Kanze
〇 Kyogen "Kaminari"
Shite [Kaminari] Kyogi Okura
Ad [Doctor] Motomaki Okura
Jiutai Yoshijiro Okura Shinkai Yoshida Keisuke Ueda
~20 minute break~
〇 New Noh "Koyo"
Shite [Lieutenant, spirit of Takeda Shingen] Sakuma Jiro
Tsure [Dragon God] Kojima Hideaki
Waki [Traveling monk] Noguchi Yoshihiro
Ai [Villager] Daizo Kyogi
Ai [Villager] Ueda Keisuke
[Flute] Kuribayashi Yusuke
[Small drum] Toriyama Naoya
[Large drum] Tsukuda Ryotaro
[Taiko] Okawa Noriyoshi
◆Outline of the play
Ichicho "Tsuchigumo"
Minamoto no Yorimitsu, who was famous for slaying demons, falls ill with an unknown illness and his life is uncertain. Then one night, a mysterious monk appears at the bedside of the suffering Yorimitsu. When the wary Raikou asks the monk his name, the monk suddenly spits out spider threads and attacks, but Raikou quickly cuts the monk's body with his famous sword and the mysterious monk disappears like smoke. Solitary warrior rushes to the scene and after hearing from Raikou what has happened, he follows a trail of blood that appears to have been left by the enemy and finds a huge mound deep in the mountains. He and his retainers immediately destroy the mound, and from within emerges the demon "Tsuchigumo" which attacks him, unleashing a thousand threads, but is eventually defeated by Solitary warrior's strength and has its head cut off.
"Ichicho" is performed by one Noh percussion player (kotsuzumi, otsuzumi, taiko) and one chanter, and the hand arrangement of the accompaniment is different from usual and more elaborate. Usually, the chanting is performed by the shite actor, but this time, the scene where the demon Tsuchigumo is defeated will be performed by the waki actor, who actually plays the role of a lone warrior in Noh, in a rare production.
Shimai "Quivel"
It is early spring. A traveling monk arrives at the banks of the Ikuta River in Suma no Ura and sees a plum tree there. A villager appears and tells the story of how the plum tree was named "Quivel Plum Tree" after the young warrior Kajiwara Genta Kageyoshi of the Genji clan, who once picked a plum tree and stuck it in his quiver as a hat symbol during the Genpei War. The villager then disappears, saying that he is the ghost of Kageyoshi.
Soon, the spirit of Kageki, now a young warrior, appears in the monk's dream, places a vibrant plum blossom in his quiver, and reenacts the scene of his battle in which he showed his tireless fighting. He then asks for another memorial service and disappears.
Shimaido "Fujito"
Sasaki Moritsuna crossed the sea on horseback and distinguished himself as the vanguard of Fujito. He leisurely enters Kojima, which he was given as a reward, when an old woman comes to him in tears and pleads with him. "You killed my child. The son I raised for twenty years was my greatest hope. Please give my child back to me," she laments. In fact, Moritsuna had secretly learned the trick to cross the shallows from the man from the port (usually it is impossible to cross on horseback because it is high tide, but there is one place where it is possible to cross on horseback at low tide), and then, fearing that the information might be revealed to others, he stabbed the man through the chest with the sword he had in hand and pushed him into the sea, where he died. Soon, as Moritsuna was holding a funeral to repent, the ghost of the man appeared before him and tried to avenge his grudge against Moritsuna, but the unexpected funeral allowed him to rest in peace. This piece vividly depicts the tragedy hidden in the darkness of history.
New Noh play "Koyo"
A monk from the capital, the waki, arrives at Furufuchu in Kai Province (Yamanashi Prefecture). Then an old man, the mae-shite, arrives. When the monk asks about the land in the area, the old man replies that this is the site of Takeda Shingen's former residence, "Tsutsujigasaki Mansion." He also explains that after Shingen moved his father, Nobutora, to Suruga, he turned his heart to the people of his domain, and ran a civil administration that focused on valuing human resources, just as the saying goes, "People are the stone walls, people are the moats."
The old man then asks the monk, "Have you seen the big river that flows through Kai Province?" When the monk replies that he has not seen it yet, the old man leads him to the river's banks. There, two large rivers lie: the Midei River, which flows out of Mt. Shirane, and the Kamanashi River, into which its tributary flows. The monk is captivated by the ferocity of the current, and suddenly notices a levee built downstream. The old man tells the monk that it is the "Shingen Embankment" built by Lord Shingen, and tells him the story of the embankment. The monk also finds a wooden frame along the riverbank, and when he asks about it, the old man tells him that it is a "sacred cow," and that it is originally used to control the flow of water, but in fact, this river is inhabited by an evil dragon god, and it also has the role of sealing the power of the dragon god. However, after Lord Shingen's death, the dragon god has often gone wild, and the river has started to overflow again. When he tells them that the sky suddenly becomes cloudy and heavy rain falls. The two of them rush to the bank. In an instant, the surrounding fields are engulfed in the muddy water. The old man tells the surprised monk, "This is the force of the dragon god. However, if we reassemble the sacred cow, we should be able to stop the river flooding again," and then he tells them that he is actually the ghost of "Komai Kohakusai," and disappears in a cloud of water. (Intermission)
Just then, two villagers, known as Ai, flee from the flood, and the monk guides them to the place where he is standing, where the ground is strong. Having narrowly escaped, the two wonder why there has been so much heavy rain recently, even though the sacred cow is supposed to be suppressing the power of the dragon god. They go to check on the sacred cow, and find that it has been completely destroyed. They suspect that it was the work of the traveling monk, but the monk denies it and asks about the history of the sacred cow. The villagers explain that the sacred cow was made by Lord Shingen, and that since then, they have been reassembling it every year on a rotating basis. The other villager confesses that he hasn't reassembled it yet. Realizing that this is the cause, the villagers go into the river to reassemble it immediately, and notice something shiny at the bottom of the river. It is actually the eye of the dragon god who lives in the river. The villagers rush to the bank. The dragon god, enraged by their actions, attacks, intending to make the river overflow and swallow up the people. A monk then prays to Acala and Takeda Shingen, and the river miraculously calms down and the dragon god retreats.
Then Takeda Shingen's spirit, the Atoshite, descends from the sky, places a new sacred cow on the river's surface, calms the water, and then performs an elegant dance praising the now calm scenery of Kai Province, vowing to continue as the guardian deity of Kai Province, before soaring away.
A new Noh piece created by Kanze school shite actor Sakuma Jiro to mark the 450th anniversary of Takeda Shingen's death in 2023.
【Performance homepage】 https://nohgakudandy4.blog.fc2.com/
You can see the original information(Japanese).
Event and ticketing information
Location 矢来能楽堂
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Date 2024/09/01(Sun) 14:00
Price 3,000 JPY ~ 6,000 JPY(tax included)
Contact 能楽談ディズム実行委員会
TEL: 042-316-4860 (Only in Japanese.)
Period of Sale 2024/07/01(Mon) 10:00 ~ 2024/08/30(Fri) 18:00
Not the period of sale