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「ユーフォニアム×サクソフォン with FANKARU & Quatuor B」


An Tokyo Taira (Euphonium / Story)
Hiroki Takahashi (composer / story)
Yukari Arai (piano)
Hidenori Arai (Euphonium), Taishi Furumoto, Gideon Jukes (Tuba)
Saxophone Quartet "Quatuor B"
Sadahito Kunisue, Masaya Yamaura, Sumichika Arimura, Gentaro Koyama


Commissioned new songs, several songs from Disney works, and other musical instrument corners planned


"An Tokyo Hei presents Hiroki Takahashi's Sound World Vol.2" Euphonium x Saxophone with FANKARU & Quatuor B ""

Saturday, April 9, 2022
Doors open 16:30 Start 17:00 Large hall
General: 3,000 yen Tomo no Kai: 2,500 yen
* Preschool children cannot enter

Hiroki Takahashi's sound world will be realized again this year! Along with navigating Antohei, a special day that collects only his compositions and arrangements, the saxophone quartet "Quatuor B", which is widely popular regardless of age or sex, and Ando belong to [non-standard] We will deliver it in collaboration with "FANTASTIC" "FANKARU" in the euphonium tuba quartet "FAN"!

Organizer: Higashiyamato Civic Center Humming Hall
Cooperation: Concert Million Association

* Wheelchair seats can be reserved by phone (042-590-4414) or at the Humming Hall window.

※※※※※Please be sure to read it※※※※※※※※※

・ As the situation changes daily, there may be cases where the seats are different from what was originally promised (seat changes, performance cancellations, postponements, etc.). Please be aware of this before applying.

・ The maximum number of reservations per person is 6.

・ Of the 6 Tomo no Kai members, up to 4 can be purchased at the Tomo no Kai member price in this performance. The remaining two can be purchased at a regular price.

・ Reservations cannot be canceled or refunded except for cancellation or postponement of the performance.

* This performance is not sold in Zama.
In addition, we cannot accept seat changes on the day.

* Please wear a mask and take other infection prevention measures when you come to the venue.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Release information

Tomo no Kai 1/21 (Fri) General 1/22 (Sat)
(On sale at the counter) Tomo no Kai / General 1/23 (Sun)
* Please see the Official Site for details.

* If you would like a wheelchair seat, please call us.
Higashiyamato Civic Center Humming Hall 042-590-4414 (9: 00-17: 00)

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You can see the original information(Japanese).

Event and ticketing information

  • Location 東大和市民会館ハミングホール 大ホール(東京都 東大和市)
  • Date 2022/04/09(Sat) 17:00
  • Price 3,000 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact 東大和市民会館 ハミングホール
    TEL: 042-590-4414 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2022/01/22(Sat) 09:00 ~ 2022/04/07(Thu) 23:00

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