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ハミングホール レクチャーコンサートシリーズ
荒井雅至 銘器グァルネリ・トルテによる無伴奏ヴァイオリンコンサート


Unaccompanied violin lecture concert by Masatoshi Arai's famous instrument Guarneri Torte
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Doors open 13:30 Start 14:00 Small hall
All seats are free
General: 1,000 yen Tomo no Kai 800 yen * Preschoolers cannot enter

Humming Hall Lecture Concert Series. We will explain the history, structure, and playing method of the representative stringed instrument "violin" in more detail and in an easy-to-understand manner through the performance of the famous instrument "Garneri Torte". Please enjoy it together with the performance.
Masashi Arai (violin, talk)

JS Bach / Unaccompanied Partita No. 2 "Armande Coolant Chaconne", Masatoshi Arai / In the Green Light, etc.
* Songs are subject to change. Thank you for your understanding.

* For wheelchair seats, please contact us by phone.
* Please take measures to prevent infection such as wearing a mask when you come to the venue.
* Refunds other than postponement or cancellation of the performance will not be accepted. Please note that.

Organizer: Higashiyamato Civic Center Humming Hall

Release information

Tomo no Kai 7/15 (Friday)
(Sales at the counter) Tomo no Kai / General 7/18 (Mon./holiday)
* Please see the Official Site for details.

* If you would like a wheelchair seat, please call us.
Higashiyamato Civic Center Humming Hall 042-590-4414 (9: 00-17: 00)

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You can see the original information(Japanese).

Event and ticketing information

  • Location 東大和市民会館ハミングホール 小ホール(東京都 東大和市)
  • Date 2022/09/14(Wed) 14:00
  • Price 1,000 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact 東大和市民会館 ハミングホール
    TEL: 042-590-4414 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2022/07/18(Mon) 09:00 ~ 2022/09/12(Mon) 23:00

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